I’ve been radio silent on this blog for a while and every time I post I think this is the start of when I might start posting on a regular basis. The truth is, I write every day, sometimes on Facebook but without fail in my journal software. I’m interested in being a blogger, but I’ve felt like I had to guard my words and thoughts for a while now and a lot of what I wanted to write about just really wasn’t appropriate to write about in public mostly because it would re-traumatize myself.
Anyway, I’ve been doing gratitude lists daily for over a year now and they’ve included 50 things on them since February or so of this year. For much of the month of December, I posted my daily gratitude lists on Facebook for my friends to read. But likely, they are tired of that daily oversharing, and I do have this space that is all mine. So, here is today’s gratitude list. I doubt this will be a daily post. But, it makes me feel good to post it here today.
- I am grateful for Jared.
- I am grateful for my marriage to Jared.
- I am grateful I can get on with a routine and not worry about exactly staying awake as long as Jared does.
- I am grateful for my education.
- I am grateful for mornings.
- I am grateful for foggy mornings.
- I am grateful for AGI, brie or goat cheese, sunflower seeds, a protein bar, and decaf coffee + collagen for breakfast.
- I am grateful for the way photography re-trains my brain to see the beauty in the world.
- I am grateful my children are healthy.
- I am grateful for peace and quiet.
- I am grateful for Mow, Nancy, Bess, Abby, and Trixie.
- I am grateful for my family.
- I am grateful for Jared’s family.
- i am grateful for my memories.
- I am grateful for my education, both inside and outside the classroom.
- I am grateful for music.
- I am grateful for art.
- I am grateful I know how to read.
- I am grateful I like to read.
- I am grateful for healthy changes in perspective.
- I am grateful for forgiveness.
- I am grateful for time to think.
- I am grateful for Steve Ross yoga.
- I am grateful for good friends.
- I am grateful for my church.
- I am grateful for all the churches I’ve attended in my life.
- I am grateful for my work history.
- I am grateful for comfortable shoes.
- I am grateful a simple Christmas 2024.
- I am grateful for good teachers and mentors.
- I am grateful to know a lot of talented artists.
- I am grateful to know how to cut my own hair myself.
- I am grateful to know how to do simple trims my family’s hair when they want me to.
- I am grateful my family is not hungry.
- I am grateful to be volunteering somewhere again.
- I am grateful to have discovered chickpea pasta.
- I am grateful to be both a cat and a dog person.
- I am grateful to have a blog.
- I am grateful for the years I spent tinkering with WordPress theme designs. It meant that when I bought a theme I liked, I could tweak it to be just so like I wanted.
- I am grateful to know how to play the piano.
- I am grateful to have a real piano in the house again.
- I am grateful that 2024 has been a year of growth.
- I am grateful to be less afraid of the world these days.
- i am grateful I’ve finally had the patience to let my hair grow.
- I am grateful it doesn’t matter if my hair ever thins because I do actually like how I look bald.
- I am grateful for modern medicine.
- I am grateful for modern psychiatric medicine.
- I am grateful to know at least some history.
- I am grateful to appreciate history.
- I am grateful I like to learn.
Happy Holidays, Everyone.
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