I used to enjoy doing a lot of stuff I don’t do much anymore.
The pool at the rec center closes its summer hours tomorrow, so Jared and I skipped Funny Girl at the Fox so we could take Oliver and Liam to the pool.
I wasn’t going to get in the deep end. I didn’t want the chlorine damage to my hair. But Oliver loves the diving boards and the deep end, so it wasn’t long until Liam and Oliver were in the deep end. And Jared joined them soon after, leaving me in the shallow end by myself.
That was boring.
And then I remembered that I used to LOVE diving off the high dive at that rec center pool when I was a kid, when there was one.
Now, there are just the two lower diving boards.
Oliver and Liam had never seen me jump off the diving board at all. It had probably been at least 29 years since I jumped off one of those diving boards; if I had to guess it was probably the summer I was 15 because that would have been long enough for me to do it after my back surgery.
So I got up there, and it was higher than I remembered. But, I jumped in. And holding my nose with my hands did nothing to keep the water out of my nose because I didn’t remember to blow out my nose as I jumped.
And, I had to keep my eyes completely closed, which was not my style back in the day. But I had my contacts in because again, I wasn’t going to get in the deep end at all today.
But jumping off that diving board…..it was like I was 10 years old again, in day camp at CPRCAD. It was fun.
So, I went again. And, I decided, what’s the worst that can happen if I actually dive? I mean, really? I used to dive off the super high dive, and this wasn’t that.
I may be 44 years old, and my kids may never see me do fun physical stuff much. But today, they saw me dive off that diving board three separate times.
It was so fun. And it reminded me that I should do that kind of stuff more often.
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