Grateful — December 28, 2024
I’ve been radio silent on this blog for a while and every time I post I think this is the start of when I might start posting on a regular basis. The truth is, I write every day, sometimes on…
The Power of a Gratitude Practice
Over the past year or so, I have developed a fairly elaborate gratitude practice. My gratitude practice is slowly transforming my life. It has helped me curb my compulsive spending habits. Keeping a gratitude list has helped me transform my…
Twenty Years Ago Today Jared Asked Me to Marry Him
Twenty years ago today, my husband Jared asked me to marry him. I didn’t say yes when he asked me. I took the ring to show my boss, who was standing, watching what was happening. Jared had to remind me…
My 40th Wedding
My 40th Wedding — I shot my 40th wedding on Sunday, seven years and six days after my first solo wedding. Prior to that first solo wedding, I had shadowed/ second shot precisely one wedding. And at that wedding, I…
Decorating with What We Already Have
Decorating with What We Already Have — Yesterday, I got a wild hair and decided it was time to re-arrange our living room. Oliver has been complaining about the fact that we have to turn our smaller couch around any…
Happy 2024!
Happy 2024 — Good morning– Happy 2024! I chose not to stay up for festivities on New Years’ Eve this year. I opted for a 9 PM bedtime. It’s part of a decision I’m making to favor health and wellness…
Gratitude Lists— Carrollton, GA Photographer
Gratitude Lists— Hi there, I am going to try to get back to writing on a regular basis. The Thanksgiving break was wonderful! We had breakfast with my parents on the actual day; but otherwise, it was just a week…