Details Atlanta wedding photographer: It is so important to tell the story of your day with your detail flatlays. Those detail stories can go on well beyond your wedding day. I am telling some of my own stories here.
In the cover photo for this post, there are many items personally special to me.
Some photographers have to haunt antique stores and Etsy stores for their flatlay pretties. I’ve done some of that myself. But mostly, as custodian of an awful lot of the family pretties, I just go to my closets and my dresser and my jewelry box. I need to make a project of telling more about these details Atlanta wedding photographer.
Family Heirlooms
The pocket watch in the photo belonged to Minnie Turner Harrell. Minnie was my Nannie’s aunt. She was like a second mama– Nannie never actually said so but Ma, Nannie’s mama, was really strict (she did say that), and Minnie let Nannie get away with stuff (Lollie says that), so I think Nannie liked to spend more time at Minnie’s house. Minnie was born in 1870. Nannie said Minnie remembered the first train coming back through Stockbridge during Reconstruction. I don’t know when Minnie got the watch, but I do know her husband died young of heart issues. She had to go to Atlanta and work off Confederate Avenue making hats to support herself and her daughter Inez when Inez was young.
The watch stopped working LONG ago, before Minnie died. GaGa told the story of getting it fixed and Minnie being so pleased to hear it tick again, on her deathbed.
The plate with the gold trim and flowers was hand painted by Sarah Belle Lee in 1957 as a gift for Cornelia Turner Moseley, Nannie’s first cousin. It’s inscribed on the back. Sarah Belle and Sister painted a LOT of these type things, though I haven’t seen many with the flower details. Just a lot of the gold type trim. Sarah Belle gave me a baby tea set herself painted in this style when I had my back surgery done in 1993. I also have a tea pot with the monogram CEP, that Sarah Belle painted for one of her co-workers but the co-worker passed away. There was a lady in Stockbridge in the 50’s who taught classes on how to paint with the gold trim.
Details Atlanta Photographer: Grady and Inez
The engagement ring in the picture was Inez Harrell Moseley’s, Minnie’s daughter. Inez and Grady Moseley got engaged in 1917 or 1919, I never can remember which. This was her first engagement ring– Grady upgraded it at some point. I admired this ring my whole life in my mama’s jewelry box. Mama and Daddy gave it to me when I graduated from GA State in 2003. The back was severely worn, nearly worn through, so the first thing I did was have the shank replaced. I was terrified to take it to Nannie to show her what I’d done, afraid she’d be mad at me, but she held it up and looked at it and said, “I declare. Caroline, I do believe you saved this ring.” I wear it most days on my right hand, still.
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