Hi from new site hosting! I spent the past four days, while I am holed up in a hotel room in Denver, re-building my WordPress site. I converted back to self-hosted WordPress from Showit. Showit is phenomenal and I would highly recommend it for anyone looking for a business site, but honestly it became out of my price range. It wasn’t ever really in my price range to begin with probably, but now I am trying to be more responsible in my expenses.
I’ve decided to continue with Caroline Price Photography; I am open for bookings! With the decision to stay in business has come a new pricing structure. It is outlined on my “Photography” page, but weddings will be $600 for up to ten hours of coverage, and portrait sessions will be $99. This decision and pricing structure will allow me to continue to serve clients best.
Some photos from Colorado! These were taken at Arapaho National Forest:

It has been a good break away from the boys and I am so grateful to both sets of their grandparents for taking good care of them for us.
I haven’t taken a tremendous amount of photos, but it felt good to have my camera out in the mountains on Saturday.
It’s also felt good to have some forced alone time to think. Think about life in general, think about the photography business, think about the future. And also time to just sit and not think, and just be.
I’d forgotten how much I enjoy tinkering with a website. I couldn’t really do that in the same way with the Showit site since it was drag and drop. I was afraid when I started out the process on Friday night that maybe I’d forgotten, but I only had to look up how to do a couple of things. There’s even a dedicated subdomain just for the photography page of the site. Jared suggested the subdomain but I figured out how to do it and did it all by myself while he was at his conference, today.
Now, the challenge will be to actually post content here. That will come. Occasionally, I am feeling like opening up, like I did with the “Making Peace with the Past” post. It took a lot to draft that post, and even more to leave it up.
I’m not quite sure what has led me to be so guarded in recent years. Sure, there is a photography business to consider now, but I used to write with such abandon. I didn’t really care what people thought. Or maybe I did care, and I just wanted to say what I had to say anyway.
Being guarded isn’t just an in-writing thing. I am guarded in person around most people who aren’t Jared. Jared is my safe person.
I am working to change the being guarded thing. I want to let people in. It will just need to be a process. Baby steps.
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